Saturday 7 January 2017

Elderly couple who fled Australia for Scotland to stay together could be torn apart after heartless officials reject wife's visa

An elderly couple who fled Australia because social ­workers wanted to put them in separate homes face being torn apart again after Home Office bosses knocked back the wife’s visa application.
Frail John Cruickshank, 81, and his wife Cheryl, 66, moved to Scotland when local authorities said they weren’t ­capable of living unsupervised.
Despite their ruling, the couple were able to travel round the world, spending some of their life savings and cash from the sale of their home in ­Maryborough, Queensland. They live unaided because they fear authorities here might move John into a care home.

John, who was born in Rathven, near Buckie, Banffshire, and who emigrated in 1964, has been with Aussie Cheryl for more than 20 years.
The couple decided to flee the country in 2012 and moved to ­Forres, Moray.
The couple initially managed to get round Home Office red tape by flying to Cyprus and renewing Cheryl’s visitors’ visa every few months.
They tied the knot in Paphos in 2015. It was hoped their ­wedding would boost Cheryl’s chances of remaining in the UK ­permanently.
But officials have refused her bid to stay on compassionate grounds and she was told to make arrangements to have left the country by the end of December.
Cheryl, who is also John’s carer, says they face an uncertain future.
They claim they’ve already paid ­Manchester firm Immigration Advice Service £2000 to lodge an appeal.
Cheryl said: “I don’t know how John would cope if I have to leave. I’m his sole carer. We don’t want him to go into a home.

 “I dress him, wash him, give him his medication and even have to cut all of his food up and put it in the blender.
“I have to put him to bed and dress and undress him.”
Housebound John was cared for by a neighbour while Cheryl was hospitalised for six weeks in 2015. The dad of four has had a series of strokes since he returned to Scotland.
Cheryl, who has had epilepsy since her teens, added: “We came back to ­Scotland because they were going to put John in a home and me in a women’s hostel. They said we couldn’t look after each other.
“He used to care for me when I had bad seizures and now the roles are reversed and I care for John. We don’t want to be apart and we can’t go back to Australia. We’ve got great neighbours and we have support – John has children and grandchildren in Fife and Aberdeenshire.”
John said: “I need Cheryl, she looks after me, she’s my carer. We don’t know what we will do if she goes.”
Cheryl said she can stay in the UK while her appeal is processed although the Home Office say they have yet to receive any paperwork. She added: “I’ve been told I can stay here for around six to eight months while it’s dealt with.
 “I bring money into the ­country because of my pension from Australia. We don’t know where to turn for help, we just want to be together.”
The SNP’s Angus Robertson, the pair’s ­constituency MP, is asking the Home Office to grant Cheryl’s visa.

He said: “It seems to me that Cheryl’s application to reside in Scotland is ­perfectly reasonable. They married relatively recently but have been together for many years. This is good reason in itself to be able to live in Scotland.
“Over and above this, Mr Cruickshank has unfortunately suffered significant ill health and, as a result, Cheryl is his carer. This is a deserving case and I’m ­urging the Home Office to take a ­sympathetic view of their case.”
The Home Office said: “All applications are considered on their individual ­merits, including any ­exceptional or compassionate circumstances, and in line with the Immigration Rules.”

SOURCE: Daily Record, Lynn Mc Pherson

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