Friday 22 December 2017

Families demand more care for loved ones in nursing homes

 “There’s a desperate, desperate need for more hours of care for people in nursing homes,” said Ann Dube, who has an 85-year-mother with Alzheimer’s living in a Windsor home, where workers are so overloaded they don’t have time — five minutes — to coax her to go to the bathroom. As a result, she refuses, she wets herself, and Dube arrives to find her mother soaked from her back to her heels. 
It’s just one example of frail, elderly people suffering indignities because there’s not enough staff to provide the care they need, said Dube. “If you go for a tour, everything’s hunky-dory — the rooms are clean, the place is beautiful. But when it comes to actual care, it’s shocking.”

She blames the rapidly increasing acuity of patients in long-term care, as elderly people stay in their homes longer (thanks to home care) and only end up in long-term care at an older age with much more complex needs.  
Most residents are in wheelchairs and most have some form of dementia, she said. “These people require heavy care. They’re not people who can walk on their own, dress themselves, shower themselves, toilet themselves.”
Since her mother went into the home in March, she’s witnessed three nearby residents worsen to the point they now must be fed by a personal support worker. “It’s deteriorating rapidly and there’s no change to the care being provided to them,” said Dube. “So it’s totally unacceptable.”
Evelyn Nevin, whose husband Fred moved into the region’s newest long-term care home, the Villages at St. Clair, in February, said the facility is “magnificent.” But she believes understaffing contributes to missed baths, meals and recreational activities, and increases the risk of medication and treatment errors.

“It is like warehousing, there’s no other word for it, that’s what it is.”
She’s been bringing the petition to the home and local seniors centres. “Everybody’s signing it,” she said, suggesting that families are simply trying to get what customers of child day cares already have: a legislated ratio of staff to residents.
There’s no legislated requirement that nursing homes provide a certain number of hours of care. Ten years ago, they provided about four hours, but that number has probably dropped to 2.5 hours while the need for care has risen, said Tom Carrothers, who chairs the advocacy committee of the Family Council Network for long-term care homes in the region around Hamilton and is one of the architects of the petition campaign. 

“It means that they are in a wet diaper for a whole lot longer than they should be, that no one’s there to help them walk so they’re put in a wheelchair instead,” said Carrothers, who had a mother and mother-in-law in long-term care until their deaths.

When residents don’t get help walking they lose their mobility. When they aren’t helped to the washroom and are left in a diaper they become incontinent, he said, recounting a recent letter from a woman upset over the lack of care for her husband. When she arrives to see him, he’s crying, unshaven, in a wet diaper.
“This man was a very proud person, a very good person, but his self respect has fallen apart because he’s been treated this way,” Carrothers said.
He also noted that some families are paying $25 an hour for extra help from outside agencies that send personal support workers into long-term care homes. But many people can’t afford that, he said, resulting in one resident receiving the care he needs, while the resident beside him doesn’t.
The four-hour requirement is the main focus of a private member’s bill re-introduced this fall by Ontario NDP health critic France Gelinas. “I want it enshrined, I want it written down,” so families can demand improved care from long-term care homes, she said. She estimated residents currently receive about three hours a day. 
Talk to the families of people residing in long-term care, she said. “Their No. 1 concern is there isn’t enough time for staff to care for their loved ones.”
Ontario Long Term Care Home Association CEO Candace Chartier agrees there’s been a problem with staffing to cope with a dramatic rise in patient acuity. For example, while 62 per cent of the province’s long-term care residents had dementia two years ago, today that number is as high as 87 per cent.  However, Chartier contends that imposing a four-hour care requirement wouldn’t help much. 
“You’re not solving the problem that you’re looking after a very different population and you need more specialized investment,” Chartier said, suggesting a better solution is devoting dollars to initiatives that individually address behaviour problems (primarily by dementia patients) and find solutions.
The four-hour rule would cost $1.2 billion, a 30 per cent increase to the current government budget for long-term care, Chartier said. “That’s crazy. That money could be put towards specialized staff to look after that 87 out of 100 (dementia patients) who need that specialized approach.”

Since 2003, the government has almost doubled funding for long-term care, to $4 billion annually, according to a statement from Health Minister Eric Hoskins. Staffing has increased by 4,600 since 2008, and those new personal support workers and nurses have helped improve patient care, it said.
“All licensed long-term care homes are responsible for providing appropriate levels of staffing at all times based on the unique needs of each resident,” Hoskins said.  “I fully expect long-term care homes to provide residents with the quality of care that Ontarians expect their loved ones to receive.”
But Shelley Smith, a  personal support worker at a Windsor area home for 31 years, said long-term care residents are not being treated with dignity, “at all.” Though the mostly female workers are nurturing and do their very best, they’re burdened by a heavier workload, often working short staffed, she said. They work through breaks and past the end of their shifts.
“The residents get care, but it isn’t the care they deserve,” she said, citing as an example a woman with dementia who has forgotten where “her babies” are. If you don’t help her by looking for her babies, it only adds to the woman’s frustration. But you don’t have the time, Smith said.
“Everything seems like a production line.” 
Elderly residents require time, she said. You can’t rush them. If you do, it causes bad behaviours. 
“I feel they need to be taken care of properly, 100 per cent, and I think the owners (of long-term care homes) need to be looked at, the profits they’re making off these residents,” she said. 
“They’re allowed to maintain all this profit, profit, profit, and I don’t see it coming back to the home.”
Retired CAW national president Ken Lewenza regularly visits long term care homes to visit retirees and sees first-hand how PSWs and nurses “do not stop, do not stop.”
He sees patients sitting in a chair alone for five or six hours and it all has to do with lack of staffing, he said. 
“I think the problem is nobody every thinks about long-term care until they have a family member in there, and it’s a real problem.

SOURCE: Windsor Star, Brian Cross

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