Monday 24 July 2017

Family's fury after police try to Taser grandfather with dementia at care home when he pulled out butter knife

A man with Alzheimer’s had a Taser fired at him by police at his care home – because he pulled out a butter knife.
Grandfather David Litherland, 73, was taken to hospital after falling when the weapon’s dart pierced his chest.
Wife Theresa said: “It was the most heartbreaking thing I’ve ever seen, I can still see the pain etched on his face.”
The Taser had failed to deploy the 50,000-volt shock that could have killed her husband, but he fell to the floor, banging his head.
Staff had called an ambulance when David became aggressive at lunch. They say the ambulance despatch contacted police.

Theresa, 62, said: “David had sat down to eat lunch when he started acting aggressively.
“This often happens when he is feeling unwell or frustrated as he can’t process his emotions.
“I got a call asking me to come to help. When I arrived the police were walking in – I had no idea they were there for my husband.
“They approached David and asked him three times to take his hands out of his pocket. Eventually he did, produced the butter knife and they fired it at him.”

Theresa says after the incident at The Gables home in Sutton Coldfield, West Mids, police claimed David “lunged” at them.
She said: “It was just a butter knife he was having dinner with.
 “I can understand why the police were called, but not why they used such force.”
Former engineer David is being cared for at Good Hope Hospital in Sutton Coldfield after a scan to check for a brain bleed.
West Midlands Police said officers found David aggressive and in possession of a knife.
They said: “As they approached he threatened them. They deployed a Taser so he could be safely restrained.”
Care home owner Sarj Bisla said: “We called the ambulance, told them his medical history and that he had a knife. They must have informed the police.
“The officers who came didn’t know about David’s illness.”

SOURCE: Mirror, Courtney Greatrex

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