Sunday 26 June 2016

If we could tell you 5 simple steps to choosing great home care, would you want to know?

If we could tell you 5 simple steps to choosing great home care, would you want to know?

You have 1 hour to pick a company to provide care to your loved one. Maybe it's your Mum and she is a bout to be sent home from hospital and she can't cope on her own but she lives alone and you live an hour away.

What do you do now?

Your first thoughts are:

We have 5 simple ways for you to 'test' whether the care company you are looking at is going to be a good one for you.

Is it that important?
Yes. Choose the wrong company and we believe that your choice may seriously affect your Mum's recovery or wellbeing or happiness or even shorten her life.

Hello, my name is Nigel Best and as a family we have been helping support people with care for over 30 years.
We have seen a lot, heard a lot and experienced a lot over those 30 years.

Our family company is

What we love to do more than anything is to help people. Whether it is directly through our fantastic staff or indirectly with our help and guidance we don't mind. We just want you to get the best.

Why? Because we are like you.

You want great care, you want friendly staff, you want peace of mind.

So do we. So that's what we do.

This blog and the videos that we will be featuring will help you wade through the shock and panic and confusion that we see all too often.

Because all too often there is an event or a series of events that leaves you in need of getting help and support for a loved one - at very short notice. The one hour to leave hospital is not unheard of by any means.

You don't know who to talk to which way to go or what you are even looking for.

Imagine you and your loved ones in life are like a ship sailing along in beautiful waters with the sun shining. All is set fair.

Then there is a crisis - your loved one suddenly struggles to cope. It might have been an illness or a fall but your ship of serenity is suddenly plunged into a dark and menacing storm, with rough seas, terrible visibility and you desperately search for the light of the lighthouse to guide you and save you.

At the point of most panic, when trying to avoid the perilous rocks and making it safe to port seems impossible, you scan the storm tossed horizon for help and hope.

And then, there it is. A flash of light.

Was it a light? You strain your eyes, wiping sea spray from them, willing your tired eyes see it again.

And there it is. The flash of hope from the lighthouse. The tower of strength in a sea of confusion. The light to guide you home.

You steer a new course.  Relief surges through you and the light guides you in.

You are safe.

For you that are reading this, Amphion is your lighthouse.

Please look for us, whenever you need us, we will be there for you.

What if you don't think you need us at the moment?
Fantastic and long may it continue!

But please click on the free guide anyway because you may read the guide and realise you do need us.

Have you heard the old saying "prevention is better than cure"? Well it still applies!

Our 5 simple steps is downloadable as a simple pdf. Please pop your email in the box and click submit so we know it will get to you.

What if it is too expensive for me?

If you had a burst pipe you would call the plumber. If you had a broken lock you would fix it. If your car had a puncture you would buy a new tyre. Do you think you are more valuable than a pipe or a lock or a tyre? You will be surprised how affordable care is compared to a plumber!

Is Amphion any good?
A great question and we hope the following helps you feel you are on the right track with us:

  • 94% of our customers say they are happy with us
  • 95% of our customers would recommend us to a friend

[According to an independent, November 2015 local authority commissioned, survey of our customers]

  • We have a 99.99% attendance record and we have a double-gold guarantee should we miss a call that means you get two free calls 
  • The CQC (government inspector) in April 2016 said the people who received a service from us are "universally positive' about what we do for them.
  • Our customers in the same CQC report mentioned that you can set your watch by our staff and that they go above and beyond!

With comments, findings and feedback like that you can relax because you have just spotted the light from our lighthouse - and we are ready to welcome you home!


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